OK reality check: It’s not just environmental pollution that puts toxins in our bodies. Oh no. Technology is also to blame. Light and radiation from all that screen time also harms your system. Even in Chinese Medicine and other Eastern practices they encourage men not to keep their laptops on their laps when trying to conceive. They even encourage expecting couples to avoid cell phone time.
I’ll be honest with you. Henry and I often find ourselves glued to our iPhones, scrolling endlessly through that deep dark trap that is social media in those precious final moments right before bedtime. It’s a terrible habit that I want to break in the new year. Especially now that we are living in a new country, in a new home, and in a bedroom that currently doesn’t include a TV. I want to keep us on the right track by making no before-bed cellphone usage a RULE. After all, who wants to enter sleep with all those digital vibes and social media stories bopping around our minds?
So who’s with me? Here’s what we have to do.
To ease into this cell phone free zone is by ending your day with a digital detox bath. Pursoma, Jane Inc. and Dr. Singha’s Mustard Bath are three of the most powerful ways to transform an ordinary bath into a super cleansing and balancing experience by eliminating waste and even balancing your pH.
I would suggest making the bath as hot as you can deal, and stay in there for 30 minutes minimum. Make sure to drink a lot of water (the more water you drink the more you will detoxify) and then ALSO follow up your bath with a super hydrating oil. The Organic Pharmacy’s Detox Body Oil actually contains ingredients that reduce inflammation and circulation.
I feel more relaxed already, don’t you?
Images, Daria Werbowy for Celine by Juergen Teller.