Glow Girl: Tata Harper

Glow Girl: Tata Harper

05.28.2013    |    
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Meet Tata Harper, founder of 100% natural and non-toxic skincare line Tata Harper Skincare. It all started when her stepdad was diagnosed with cancer in 2002. As one would expect, the Dr. told him he needed to make the transition to organic food, grass-fed beef and increase his supplement intake, but what Tata was most surprised by was his mention of natural beauty and skincare products. She thought about what she used on her skin, every day, twice a day, and at that moment, Tata decided to make the switch to using 100% organic and natural products. Surprisingly, she couldn’t find anything that was 100% natural. It was then that Tata Harper Skincare was born.

I had the pleasure of sitting down with Tata for this exclusive interview on a bright sunny day, in New York City’s West Village…to discuss all things Tata.

OK so heres the deal. I, like most people, have been afraid to use natural products. I am concerned about the technology and the results and skeptical about the ingredients. I talked to Tata about my hesitations with natural skincare and this is what I learned.

People are afraid to use “natural” skincare because they don’t trust it. Most lines that claim to be natural are actually mixtures of synthetics and natural botanicals, which clearly defeats the point. Tata emulsifies with sugars and olive waxes, while other lines use forms of battery acids – wait, WHAT? Synthetics are cheaper and easier…the natural alternatives that Tata Harper uses are 8 times the price. Even lines that claim to be “paraben-free,” are not even safe because they are replacing parabens with other synthetics. #psycho

Tata’s line is super unique because she has a commitment not only to health – but results. It’s a matter of quality of products and quality of ingredients. I am serious – what she is doing is truly groundbreaking because it’s the first line – in the world – to give you true antiaging technology without synthetic materials. In person, I could see for myself that her skin literally glows. No joke, once you meet her, you are a believer. #culttata

OH – did I mentioned Gwyneth is a fan???

Annie Atkinson: You have said that you want to make women beautiful. I love this. What is the message and philosophy behind your brand? Why should we really make the switch to all natural skincare?  

Tata Harper: The philosophy behind the line is really all about health, beauty and vitality. I believe in beauty products that deliver the results you want and really do work to make your skin clear, radiant and youthful, without compromising your health with synthetic chemical ingredients. I love making women more beautiful while helping them to be healthy, and I really believe in this lifestyle movement that is all about detoxifying our lives, and finding wellness and balance every day. 

As for switching to natural skincare, it’s a wonderful thing to do for your skin and body. Purely natural skincare products that are made with really high quality ingredients give the skin an amazing and nourished glow that you just can’t get with synthetic products. They literally nourish the skin. Switching over is a lifestyle choice, and the amazing thing is that now, as natural skincare science gets more and more advanced and high-tech – as is the case with my line – you don’t have to sacrifice results anymore when you switch to natural. In fact, your skin can be better than ever.

AA: Describe exactly what was lacking from the skincare industry that led you to creating Tata Harper Skincare? What does 100% natural and non-toxic really mean?

TH: In my quest to find totally natural and nontoxic versions of all of the products I used every day, whether they were in my home or on my skin or in the shower, the one thing I couldn’t find was a replacement for my high-performance antiaging skincare, that was made with really advanced technology. So, that’s what I decided to make: truly natural skincare that really worked. 100% natural and nontoxic means that every single ingredient is of natural origin, nothing is synthetic, or derived from petrochemicals, like many common skincare and beauty ingredients are today. We work hard to make sure our natural ingredients are all of the absolute highest quality, so they work beautifully with the skin and produce the best results possible.

AA: Where are your products manufactured?

TH: Our entire company is headquartered on an Organic farm in Vermont, and every single product is made here from start to finish. This allows us to oversee the entire process, to ensure quality and freshness – outsourcing means you lose the ability to know anything for sure.

AA: What do you formulas consist of that makes you different from other natural and organic lines?

TH: Our formulas contain very high concentrations of very high quality natural ingredients. A lot of formulas out there revolve around 1 active ingredient that is like the star performer, but our products are packed with actives: from 11 to 29 per bottle. That means that in the Rejuvenating Serum, for example, there are 29 ingredients that are actively nourishing, strengthening, smoothing, etc. – we don’t use any filler ingredients. Also, the quality really matters; there are a lot of different levels of quality for Hyaluronic Acid, for example, and the low quality ones sit on the surface of your skin and don’t really do anything good for it. We get the highest quality available, from the Czech Republic – it’s super expensive but its nano-weight size means it can penetrate the skin to deliver moisture and antiaging results where it really matters. So quality definitely makes a difference!

AA: I have people asking me all the time… “What is a serum?” In your own words, can you explain it?

TH: A serum is a product used for deep treatment, that you are using to make a specific impact on your skin. It’s a category of products; like a cleanser is for cleansing and a moisturizer is for moisturizing. A serum is for treating something in the skin, usually it’s for rejuvenation, and can be targeted to deliver specific results, like for wrinkles or dark spots, for example.

AA: It’s a common misconception that natural and organic products suffer from a lack of technology. What are your thoughts on this associated and can you explain the technology that goes into your line?

TH: While that’s a misconception nowadays, it used to be pretty true because natural skincare didn’t really have any high-tech science behind it. But now, consumers are demanding products that really produce results without synthetic chemicals, so labs are finally investing in creating very high-tech natural antiaging ingredients. It’s these ingredients that we use, that represent cutting edge skincare science. The natural ingredient industry is taking leaps and bounds, and there are so many amazing and really performance-driven actives out there. We’re all about results, while sticking to our 100% natural commitment, so it’s a never-ending search for the best of the best.

AA: You have the most luminous and glowing skin. You are literally the best spokesperson for your line because I look at you and think, “I want my skin to look the same way!” What is your skincare routine? I am going to copy it!

TH: Thank you! My skincare routine is pretty simple and I do it every single day, twice a day. I cleanse with my Regenerating Cleanser to exfoliate, decongest, detoxify, and then I cocktail together the Hydrating Floral Essence, which is really like a Hyaluronic Acid spray, and the Rejuvenating Serum – our triple collagen antiaging treatment – in my hands for my antiaging treatment. Then I use the Repairative Moisturizer since it’s for skin that’s on the dryer side, and the Eye Crème around my eyes, and finally the Nutrient Complex as a last layer of environmental protection. And every day I wear my Be Adored lip treatment all day long.

AA: Treatments. Do you see a facialist or a dermatologist? If so, who, how often and what do your appointments consist of?

TH: When I’m in New York I love to get hydro-facials from Dr. Turk, or sometimes I go to see Julia March in in Soho for a deep cleansing treatment. I probably get those once a month or every 2 months. Otherwise, I don’t have a regular treatment schedule or routine. My skincare regimen provides me with all of the cleansing and antiaging care my skin needs!

AA: What is your philosophy on makeup. What products do you use?

TH: I keep my makeup routine super simple. I am very low maintenance when it comes to cosmetics and really just use a few staple products, like RMS cheek tint in Sacred, and my Be Adored lip treatment. But that’s honestly pretty much it.

AA: I know you are very conscious about not only what you use topically, but what your put into your body. Tell me a little about your diet and how you feel its affects you inside and out.  What are you thoughts on green juice and cleansing? Do you juice or cleanse on a regular basis?

TH: Juicing has been part of my everyday routine since I was little, since it’s just a part of daily life in Colombia, where I grew up. So I have at least one fresh juice every single day, which I love. I’ve actually never done a cleanse; I don’t have the courage to commit to something so intense. I love eating! I have a very balanced diet that’s focused on nutrition, fresh foods, but ultimately on enjoying what I eat, and I feel like that’s the best approach to being healthy inside and out.

AA: What is your fitness routine?

TH: I don’t have a lot of time to commit to fitness, but I like to incorporate movement and activity into my everyday lifestyle. I love dancing with the kids and getting some cardio that way, I love stretching and doing restorative yoga on my own and during weekend classes, and I love taking long walks and hikes around Vermont.

AA: Other than Tata Harper Skincare, are there any products you simply cant live without?

TH: My Rahua shampoo, my Jarok pre-shampoo hair serum, and Priti nail polish and nail polish remover.

AA: Do you have any new and exciting launches or products coming out this summer/ fall?

TH: Yes! Our Boosted Contouring Serum is coming out in less than a month, for which we are super excited – it’s a concentrated anti-aging treatment focused on treating skin that’s losing tone and structure. Then the Concentrated Brightening Serum and our Elixir Vitae Serums (one for treating hyperpigmentation, and the others is all about replenishing volume) are coming out in late summer, and finally, our Fortifying Body Lotion is on its way, also slated for launch early fall.  It’s going to be a busy season!

Tata Harper shot in the West Village in New York on May 17, 2013. Tata wore a Manoush top and Miu Miu skirt.

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