And just when you thought that you would never see that bush (yes, you read that right) ever again, a new wave of personal grooming is upon us. Girls and women alike – Gwyneth I am talking to you – are changing the way they wax and shave, now opting to leave a little something there, and therefore, a little something left up to imagination. I am kinda digging this!
I’m not suggesting we let everything grow wild, but maybe we settle for something in the middle, something between a Brazilian and a full on 70’s sitch. And just in time for this new do, there are two delightful little products to maintain your newly growing hair.
Fur is the first line that aims at caring for pubic hairs (eww that word!) and skin. Sure, there are many formulas on the market aimed at preventing ingrown hairs, but nothing marketed directly for the actual hair. Until now, that is. When you think about it, it makes sense. You wash and moisturize your hair and skin, but why do we so often neglect our hair down under? And this conversation can’t even happen without mentioning the disaster that is the ingrown hair.
Right now, the line consists of two products, the Fur Oil ($39), which contains a mixture of nine natural oils including jojoba and tea tree, and the Stubble Cream ($32), which softens the hair and clears pores. It’s super rich and contains olive oil, tea tree oil and shea butter.
There is humor in the packaging too. The glass bottle and the tube are both very classically chic, like vintage Chanel or YSL, but then you have the words “for pubic hair” boldly on display. I love it. At the very least, I declare this the best gift for your friend who has everything or even your mother for pure shock value.